Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/emerald <p align="justify"><strong>Emerald </strong>Journal of Economics and Social Sciences is open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research papers on economics and business. This journal is likewise committed to making the articles it publishes available to international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies for free.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research papers using any methodologies or approaches relevant to the islamic economics and business topics, as long as the research falls into one of three primary disciplines: economics and social sciences.</p> Penerbit Media Wawasan Ilmu en-US Emerald: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences 2985-8631 IMPLEMENTASI GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN DEMOKRATIS DALAM ORGANISASI https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/emerald/article/view/122 <p><em>The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of leadership styles that can be carried out by leaders in organizations. This research method is </em>qualitative<em> with a Grounded Theory approach. Data collection techniques with documentation studies and data processing techniques with reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed the implementation of the first idealized influence democratic leadership style, leaders are able to contribute good thoughts through decision-making in achieving the vision of the organization. Second, inspirational motivation, leaders are able to encourage themselves and their subordinates to work according to the standards contained in the organization. Third, intellectual stimulation, the leader is able to move subordinates to continue to be creative by giving new and creative ideas that the leader has. The four individual considerations, leaders are able to appreciate and accept input and criticism from subordinates and appreciate the performance of subordinates.</em></p> Aviana Noer Zubaida Chasan Maruf Afried Lazuardi Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 3 1 1 10 CHINA DIGITAL SILK ROAD INITIATIVES DUE TO GEO POLITICS AND GEOECONOMIC IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA OF ASEAN REGION https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/emerald/article/view/123 <p>This study is trying to seeks a more understanding regarding the China Digital Silk Road Initiatives whether is it due to Geopolitics or Geoeconomics reason. Qualitative methodology is used to describe and interpret to generate a more understanding towards China initiatives, strategy and future cooperation or conflict. The finding of this study suggest that China is using their digital silk and road initiative as an umbrella term, both to grasp their interest in geopolitics and geoeconomics. This finding explains the specific pattern of China initiative, strategy, cooperation and conflict in the south China sea region.</p> Febri Dirgantara Hasibuan Rahmad Cherry Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-11 2024-04-11 3 1 11 20 PAMALI AS A REPRESENTATION OF MYSTICAL LOGIC IN GEN Z https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/emerald/article/view/124 <p>This study is trying to explore how gen z views Pamali as a representation of mystical logic. Based on Tan Malaka's theory regarding mystical logic, research was carried out to see whether gen z considers Pamali to be a representation of mystical logic. Simply because it contains elements of obscurity and occultism that cannot be empirically proven. The research was conducted using a qualitative research method using open and closed questionnaires to understand the thought of the 30 Gen Z selected from the sample. The results show that gen z thinks Pamali is a representation of mystical logic.</p> Awlia Dwi Rachma Rasya Nur Rasyida Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-15 2024-04-15 3 1 21 28 SANKSI EKONOMI AMERIKA SERIKAT TERHADAP IRAN PERIODE 2018–2020 DALAM PERSPEKTIF NEOREALISME https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/emerald/article/view/125 <p>Good relations between the United States (US) and Iran turned complex due to the important events of the 28 Mordad Coup in 1952, the 1979 Iranian Revolution, as well as disputes between the two countries regarding the issue of Iran's nuclear program. This research also explains the impact of US economic sanctions on Iran's economic conditions. However, Iran's response to these sanctions has shown to be ineffective in stopping Iran's nuclear uranium enrichment activities. The Neorealism Perspective is used as a reference in analyzing US economic sanctions against Iran for the 2018–2020 period. Meanwhile, the approach is using a qualitative research method which analysis is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of US economic sanctions against Iran based on the Neorealism Perspective. The findings obtained based on Neorealism show that the emergence of distrust between Iran and the US is due to the absence of authority in the international system. Neorealism views US economic sanctions against Iran during the 2018–2020 period as part of international political dynamics that arise from power competition in an anarchic international system. According to the Neorealism Perspective, large countries such as the US tend to use economic sanctions as a tool to influence other countries and defend their national security interests.</p> Rahmi Fitriyanti Adre Alir Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 3 1 29 40 PRINSIP BEBAS-AKTIF INDONESIA PADA PRESIDENSI G20 TAHUN 2022 https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/emerald/article/view/126 <p>The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that the polarization of the international structure and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in January 2022 have become challenges in gaining consensus on various commitments for Indonesia's G20 presidency in 2022. The conflict also has the potential to reduce soft power in an attempt to build branding to achieve national interests. This research uses a literature study method through the analysis of foreign policy documents, official speeches, and various supporting documents that explain the steps implemented by the Indonesian government in the G20 Presidency. In the G20 Presidency, Indonesia applied the principle of free and active (Bebas- Aktif) in embracing every group, handling the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and achieving various national interests. During the G20 Presidency, Indonesia also implemented a multilateral approach in order to promote regional stability by paying attention to cross-security issues and peace efforts. The implementation of the free-active principle in the G20 Presidency aims to fulfill Indonesia's national interest in the welfare of society.</p> Agus Nilmada Azmi Raisya Bintang Copyright (c) 2024 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2024-04-23 2024-04-23 3 1 41 50