Maslahah: Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-10-11T16:15:20+07:00 Redaktur Open Journal Systems <div class="description"> <p align="justify">This journal includes textual studies and field studies with various perspectives on law, philosophy, Sufism, history, art, theology, and more. The demands for publication by the higher education academic community have had a considerable impact on the awareness of academics of the importance of conducting studies, research and writing scientific papers. The development of scientific works in Indonesia is relatively better, especially since the enactment of government regulations, which require undergraduate, postgraduate to doctoral students to write articles in scientific journals as one of the prerequisites for graduation. Academics, of course, are increasingly demanding to actively write in scientific journals both at the nationally accredited level and in reputable international journals.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Thus, Indonesian and non-Indonesian scholars have enriched the studies published in the journal. Although not from the start, Maslahah has presented quality scientific articles, ranging from improvements in format, style, and academic quality. Now with articles written in Indonesian, Arabic and English and with fair peer-review procedures, Maslahah continues to publish research and studies related to Islamic studies with various dimensions and approaches.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Maslahah </strong>Journal of Islamic Studies, published twice a year, always places Islam and Muslims as the main focus of academic inquiry and invites any comprehensive observation of Islam as a theological belief and system of society and Muslims for those who practice the religion. This journal, functioning as a forum for Islamic studies in Indonesia and other parts of the world in challenging local and global contexts, supports studies focused on specific themes and interdisciplinary studies. Almaslahah has become a medium for diffusion and exchange of ideas and research findings, so that researchers, writers, and readers from various learning traditions have interacted scientifically.</p> </div> PEMBELAJARAN KITAB ADABUL INSAN DALAM PENGUATAN AKHLAK SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN AL IKHWANIYAH PONDOK AREN TANGERANG SELATAN 2024-07-23T11:39:02+07:00 Ahmad Heru Dewi Indrawati <p>The rapid progress of education and technology today has changed the way people think and behave in general, as well as the ways in which poor moral behavior occurs of the students at the Al-Ikhwaniyah Islamic boarding school. The aim of the research in this case is to find out what the concept of moral education is at the Al-Ikhwaniyah Islamic boarding school, and to find out what influences the morals of the students at the Al-Ikhwaniyah Islamic boarding school, and to find out what the morals of the students are after learning the adabul insan book by Sayyid Utsman. The type of research method used by the author is a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior, as well as analysis used in descriptive-analytic qualitative research, which means that interpretations of the content are made and arranged systematically or thoroughly and systematically. The Morals of the Santri After studying the Book of Adabul Insan by Sayyid Uthman in Strengthening the Morals of the Santri, the changes felt by the boarding school were related to improving the morals of the santri, there were changes or will to change in the santri after the research and efforts made, overall it took time which is not small to change the habits of the students that they are used to, but the boarding school and foundation will do their best to educate the students who are studying so that they produce a generation that is faithful, knowledgeable, disciplined and civilized.</p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KARAKTERISTIK JURU DAKWAH PADA PRIBADI NABI IBRAHIM AS DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA DALAM PRAKTIK DAKWAH KONTEMPORER 2024-09-09T09:27:10+07:00 Muhammad Ridwan <p style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Book Antiqua',serif;">This research explores the character of the preacher in the person of Prophet Ibrahim AS and how these traits can be applied in modern da'wah practice. The main focus of this research is on qualities such as obedience, politeness, intelligence, critical thinking, logic, courage, strength, vision, consistency, and trust in God (tawakkul). The research method used is qualitative, with a literature study approach to analyze relevant primary and secondary sources regarding the life and preaching of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). The findings of this research indicate that several of Prophet Ibrahim's characteristics, besides enhancing the effectiveness of preaching, also provide valuable examples for contemporary preachers. Obedience and consistency in teachings, combined with politeness in interactions, intelligence in argumentation, courage in facing challenges and physical strength, as well as trust in God in every effort undertaken, all form an ideal model for today's preaching practices. This article suggests that the application of these characteristics in the context of modern preaching can enhance the effectiveness and integrity of preaching, as well as strengthen the relationship between the preacher and their audience.</span></p> 2024-09-09T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PERAN PEMBIAYAAN SEKOLAH DALAM MEMAKSIMALKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN 2024-10-11T16:15:20+07:00 Ach Baidowi Hafidz Maruf Dewi Apriana Sari Nusantara Putri <p>This research describes the role of Alia Islamic School's funding in maximizing educational quality through human resource financing, management strategies, and their impact on educational quality. This qualitative research uses a case study design to explore the role of HR in maximizing educational financing. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation, then analyzed qualitatively using data reduction, narrative presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that HR plays a significant role in managing educational financing through budget planning involving all school components. Funds are managed transparently and accountably, recorded, and reported regularly. The funds are utilized for teacher capacity development through training and improving educational facilities. The management strategies include financial transparency, cost-efficiency without compromising program quality, and diversification of funding sources, such as donations and third-party collaborations. Good management positively impacts learning quality, enhances teacher and student motivation, and creates a more conducive and effective learning environment.&nbsp;</p> 2024-10-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024