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Prophet Ibrahim AS

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Ridwan, M. (2024). KARAKTERISTIK JURU DAKWAH PADA PRIBADI NABI IBRAHIM AS DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA DALAM PRAKTIK DAKWAH KONTEMPORER. Maslahah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(2), 7–20. Retrieved from https://jurnalsains.id/index.php/maslahah/article/view/153


This research explores the character of the preacher in the person of Prophet Ibrahim AS and how these traits can be applied in modern da'wah practice. The main focus of this research is on qualities such as obedience, politeness, intelligence, critical thinking, logic, courage, strength, vision, consistency, and trust in God (tawakkul). The research method used is qualitative, with a literature study approach to analyze relevant primary and secondary sources regarding the life and preaching of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). The findings of this research indicate that several of Prophet Ibrahim's characteristics, besides enhancing the effectiveness of preaching, also provide valuable examples for contemporary preachers. Obedience and consistency in teachings, combined with politeness in interactions, intelligence in argumentation, courage in facing challenges and physical strength, as well as trust in God in every effort undertaken, all form an ideal model for today's preaching practices. This article suggests that the application of these characteristics in the context of modern preaching can enhance the effectiveness and integrity of preaching, as well as strengthen the relationship between the preacher and their audience.

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