This research explores the role of Islamic boarding schools in spreading understanding of religious moderation among the younger generation through social media. The younger generation, as agents of future social change, has great potential in shaping the social and religious landscape. This study explores how Islamic boarding schools integrate traditional educational approaches with the use of social media to spread messages of religious moderation. Data collection techniques by searching relevant references such as online news, e-journals, e-documents and other digital reference materials. Then the content was analyzed which prioritizes intertextuality and creativity of social media content from several Islamic boarding schools that are active online. The research results show that Islamic boarding schools have an important role in forming an understanding of religious moderation among the younger generation. They combine religious education with social media to reach a wider audience. The impact can be seen in positive attitude changes, increased tolerance, and the involvement of the younger generation in interfaith dialogue. This research provides an understanding of how Islamic boarding schools utilize social media to promote religious moderation and shape the younger generation's views on religion and society.
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