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How to Cite

Akhirudin, A., & Syaefuddin, A. (2023). MODEL DAKWAH DALAM POLARISASI KOMUNITAS: (Kajian Sejarah Dakwah Rasulullah SAW). Maslahah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2(2), 73–84. Retrieved from


Islamic Da'wah which was carried out by the Prophet Muhammad, both secretly and openly, received religious responses. there are those who accept and there are also many who refuse. A small number of people who accept Islamic teachings are friends and close relatives of the Prophet Muhammad. even though there are also close relatives who refuse. The people who accepted tried to jointly spread the teachings of Islam in the midst of the life of the people of Mecca at that time, while those who refused, tried to inhibit and destroy the Islamic da'wah. In facing this unpleasant response, Prophet Muhammad continue to spread the teachings of Islam with family and best friends who have believed in Islam. A strong bond was formed which occurred between the Prophet Muhammad and the followers of Islam who were still very few at the time. But this is the forerunner of the Muslim community that colored the lives of humanity in the Arab world and spread throughout the world. The same monotheism makes all Muslims have a strong bond, a bond that knows no tribal, racial or geographical boundaries, a bond that is interwoven by faith. Respected because this collectivity forms the uniformity of the attitude of the majority of Muslims throughout the world today.

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