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Islamic Law
void condition

How to Cite

Krishnani, R., Haniatunnisa, S., & Jauhari, M. S. (2023). PERHITUNGAN WETON SEBAGAI SYARAT BATALNYA PERNIKAHAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM. Maslahah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2(2), 103–110. Retrieved from


Marriage is an important institution in the social and religious life of many societies, including in Islam. In the perspective of Islamic Law, there are several conditions that must be met for the validity of marriage, and one of the conditions that is often debated is weton calculation.This research aims to examine weton calculation as a condition for marriage cancellation from the perspective of Islamic Law. This research combines legal, cultural and social approaches to understand the role of weton in marriage and how it affects the process of marriage annulment. The research methods used in this study involved analysis of Islamic law, interviews with religious leaders, traditional leaders, and the community, as well as case studies of marriages that were voided due to weton. The data were analyzed using a qualitative approach to illustrate the complexity of this issue. The results show that weton calculation as a condition for marriage annulment does have a legal basis in Islam, but its interpretation and implementation often varies in various communities. In addition to the legal aspects, weton is also strongly related to local culture and traditions, which can influence the decision to cancel a marriage. In addition, the social impact of marriage annulment due to weton can also impact individuals and society more broadly.

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