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Guidance and Counseling
Social Media

How to Cite

Wahyudi, E., Baidowi, A., Imamah, N., & B, N. (2024). PELAKSANAAN BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING DALAM MENGATASI PECANDU MEDIA SOSIAL PADA SISWA. Maslahah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 3(1), 23–32. Retrieved from


The purpose of this study is to explain and describe the data collection and implementation of counseling guidance in addressing social media addiction among twelfth-grade students in Ma Al-Mardliyyah Pamekasan. The research adopts a qualitative approach through a case study. Data collection involves interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis includes reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The research findings elucidate that during data collection, the Guidance Counselor checks late and absent students as initial indicators; many spend time outdoors, particularly with mobile devices, illustrating the impact of social media on discipline and academic performance, enabling the Guidance Counselor to guide students in managing social media use, thus enhancing learning and student well-being. Furthermore, the implementation of Counseling Guidance for Social Media Addicted Students proceeds through three stages: first, providing guidance to students with a one-week evaluation period; second, involving parents for further evaluation after one week; third, further intervention involving the Foundation if student behavior remains unchanged after the previous two stages, with resolution options involving parents and emphasizing the educational role of the school in shaping student behavior.

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