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Religious Identity
Muslim Minority

How to Cite

Tohari, T. (2022). IDENTITAS KEAGAMAAN MINORITAS MUSLIM SINGAPURA. Maslahah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(2), 73–82. Retrieved from


Singapore is a secular country where the majority of the population is of ethnic Chinese descent, until now it has changed the face of Singapore into a developed country in Southeast Asia. The Malay ethnic group, which was originally the majority ethnic group inhabiting Singapore, had to shift to becoming a second-class ethnic group with a population of around 14%. Singapore's policy of making it a secular state has had an impact on the minority of Singaporeans, including Singaporean Muslims who are an ethnic minority. Various policies have provided a short space to carry out their religious expression, from starting worship, wearing religious symbols to living in crowds, their space for movement is limited. As a Muslim minority in the country, they do not get the breadth and independence in carrying out religious activities. In the latest case, one of the preachers or speakers from Indonesia, namely Ustad Abdul Somad Lc., M.A., Ph.D. Experiencing rejection when going to visit Singapore on 16 May 2022. The reason for the refusal was conveyed directly by the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs K Shanmugam, namely that his party does not tolerate various forms of hate speech and divisive ideology

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